Picture Spot: Just Say Go
Picture Spot: Putting on our Game Face
Picture Spot: Strike a Pose
Picture Spot: Total Focus - Different Motivators
Picture Spot: Fun Playing the Game
Picture Spot: George Alston Seminar
Picture Spot: USDAA Nationals
Picture Spot: Golden Retriever Regionals Agility
Picture Spot: 'Nuf Said
Picture Spot: Working as One
Picture Spot: The Big Fetch
Picture Spot: Rally Moves
Picture Spot: Body Language
Picture Spot: The Calm Before the Storm
Picture Spot: Remembering to Keep it Fun 2
Picture Spot: Remembering to Keep it Fun
Picture Spot: A Frame Sequence - Congratulations
Picture Spot: A Frame Sequence - Demanding
Picture Spot: A Frame Sequence - Arguing
Picture Spot: A Frame Sequence - Pleading
Picture Spot: A Different 2on2off Method
Picture Spot: Now Where???
Picture Spot: Juniors in the Winner's Circle
Picture Spot: Reaching for the Stars
Picture Spot: The Look of Success
Picture Spot: Putting on Our Game Face
Picture Spot: Keeping It Fun 3
Picture Spot: I See You
Picture Spot: Good Day's Work