lee scott 光:
haiku buddha
lee scott 光:
veiled compassion
lee scott 光:
ah san
lee scott 光:
yakushi nyorai
lee scott 光:
47八坂寺 out of the corner of his eye
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52太山寺 (touch the ground) defeating mara
lee scott 光:
28大日寺 vairocana
lee scott 光:
28大日寺 try it
lee scott 光:
1霊山寺 eye the moon Happy year of the Dragon!
lee scott 光:
4大日寺 a gracious smile
lee scott 光:
80國分寺 cup half full
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40観自在寺 hands of time
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81白峯寺 神の風 kamikaze, shiromine temple
lee scott 光:
defeating mara
lee scott 光:
buddha of ribbons
lee scott 光:
the eyes of a yogi
lee scott 光:
full moon night
lee scott 光:
she hears your suffering and is there to lend a hand
lee scott 光:
89高野山 piling up
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30善楽寺 getta
lee scott 光:
89高野山 disco buddha
lee scott 光:
54延命寺 purple petals on the ground
lee scott 光:
89高野山 dancing
lee scott 光:
81白峯寺 footsteps
lee scott 光:
temple of equality
lee scott 光:
tara with leis
lee scott 光:
aloha tara
lee scott 光:
the cosmos and prayers
lee scott 光:
lee scott 光:
bhikku (begger)