picture prefect: "what if you love your mom less?"
picture prefect: Man vs. Nature
picture prefect: Man vs. Nature (2)
picture prefect: Man vs. Nature (3)
picture prefect: Man vs. Nature (4)
picture prefect: I want you to have this.
picture prefect: all i know is...
picture prefect: juxtaposed
picture prefect: awwww. (not)
picture prefect: his favorite past-time is kicking up dirt
picture prefect: licking the balcony -- why?
picture prefect: "the coast is clear! Come on up!"
picture prefect: i like this shot, though!
picture prefect: this raspberry bush was yummy, huh?!
picture prefect: he needs a name
picture prefect: (okay i have to admit, this is cute)
picture prefect: pretending he doesn't know i'm there
picture prefect: the backyard
picture prefect: the resident garden butterfly
picture prefect: butterflies
picture prefect: scary wasp/hornet thing
picture prefect: sea foam green
picture prefect: keeping house