picture prefect: morning!
picture prefect: sad face
picture prefect: midnight deadline.
picture prefect: hi it's me again. and i'm sorta kinda freaking out.
picture prefect: all work and no play.
picture prefect: hi i made it :D
picture prefect: last one..
picture prefect: i got you.
picture prefect: next stop?
picture prefect: somerset motel
picture prefect: how we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives
picture prefect: view from my hotel room...
picture prefect: folding seamlessly into the next...
picture prefect: sound the alarm!
picture prefect: looks like love.
picture prefect: a treasure ttv
picture prefect: crush you.
picture prefect: only in vegas.
picture prefect: teh funny bus
picture prefect: almost done
picture prefect: i had every intention to go outside + shoot something...
picture prefect: just landed.
picture prefect: vegas at night
picture prefect: our view