Picturejourneys: Dancers in technicolor
Picturejourneys: Man playing the flute
Picturejourneys: Huli wig man wearing a sombrero hat of his own hair
Picturejourneys: Woman with red painted face looking at herself in a mirror
Picturejourneys: Dancer taking a call on a cellphone
Picturejourneys: Portrait of a dancer at the Mt Hagen Sing Sing
Picturejourneys: Warrior with moss camouflage
Picturejourneys: Mining for gold
Picturejourneys: Village alley, Eastern highlands
Picturejourneys: Bush hut
Picturejourneys: Selling sweet potatoes
Picturejourneys: Village assembling in front of a hut and garden
Picturejourneys: Highlands of Papua New Guinea - fruitful gardens, small homesteads
Picturejourneys: Woman with her bilum, a string back to carry stuff
Picturejourneys: Impenetrable rain forest covers most of PNG
Picturejourneys: Hiker on the path to Mt Wilhelm
Picturejourneys: Cooking some delicious bamboo chicken
Picturejourneys: Two kids sitting in a doorway
Picturejourneys: Dancers wearing feather headdresses at the Mt Hagen Festival
Picturejourneys: Sunrise from the top of Mt Wilhelm, PNGs highest mountain
Picturejourneys: Hiker on Mt Wilhelm at dawn
Picturejourneys: Putting on makeup
Picturejourneys: Asaro mudman with his scary looking mask right out of a movieset
Picturejourneys: Scenic lakeside
Picturejourneys: Highlander enjoying a cup of coffee
Picturejourneys: Group of dancers putting on makeup
Picturejourneys: Three generations looking out of a window
Picturejourneys: Two Asaro mudmen
Picturejourneys: Skeleton man
Picturejourneys: Woman with red makeup