Picturejourneys: Beautiful smile on Martinique
Picturejourneys: Balding English man head cactus with sunglasses
Picturejourneys: Enjoying a game of water volleyball at the beach
Picturejourneys: Lush green interior
Picturejourneys: Bamboo pattern - Martiniques plant
Picturejourneys: Cathedral and Palm tree - Fort de France
Picturejourneys: Looking through the ruins of an old sugar plantation
Picturejourneys: St Pierres volcanic sand beach - Mt Pelee hiding in the clouds
Picturejourneys: St Pierres prison - here Cyprus was held, the only survivor of the 1902 volcanic eruption
Picturejourneys: Rue Victor Hugo and de Liberte - arrived in France in the Caribbean
Picturejourneys: Fort de Frances harbor approaching
Picturejourneys: Dont touch - closeup of a cactus
Picturejourneys: Boat at the beach