Picturejourneys: Ancient city wall, Konso village
Picturejourneys: Beautiful bucolic landscape with the Bale mountains in the background
Picturejourneys: Bodi girl with decorative body scars-2
Picturejourneys: Bodi girl with scar tattoees
Picturejourneys: Bodi man with fighting stick
Picturejourneys: Bodi woman selling milk on the market
Picturejourneys: Boy showing off his captive bird
Picturejourneys: Boy walking under trees
Picturejourneys: Boy with bow and arrow, Arbore
Picturejourneys: Boys playing a game, Konso village
Picturejourneys: Building a storage hut, Arbore tribe
Picturejourneys: Cattle marching to a waterhole
Picturejourneys: Conical hut in the terraces near Kanto
Picturejourneys: Crocodiles in Lake Chamo
Picturejourneys: Dassaneh girl with colorful necklaces-2
Picturejourneys: Deer in Bale mountains
Picturejourneys: Drinking sorghum beer from a calabash
Picturejourneys: Driving cows to market
Picturejourneys: Dry riverbed, Lower Omo Valley
Picturejourneys: Ethiopian girl at the market
Picturejourneys: Ethiopian wolf on the Sanetti plateau
Picturejourneys: Fisherman on Lake Chome
Picturejourneys: Fishermen and stork on Laka Awasa
Picturejourneys: Getting the bulls ready for a ceremony
Picturejourneys: Girl blowing the trumpet
Picturejourneys: Girl packing a bull by the horns
Picturejourneys: Girls roasing sorghum
Picturejourneys: Grandmother with baby, Arbore village
Picturejourneys: Hamer girl leaning against a doorway, Lower Omo Vallley
Picturejourneys: Hamer girl playing with her hair