Picturejourneys: Expressive face, Portrait of Suma, a female orang utan
Picturejourneys: Old man, Samosir
Picturejourneys: Orang utan sitting on a tree, Bukit Lawang, Sumatra
Picturejourneys: Little girl with magical eyes
Picturejourneys: Orang Utan grabbing some bananas
Picturejourneys: Hotel Carolina along the shores of Lake Toba
Picturejourneys: Awesome waterfall, central Sumatra
Picturejourneys: Colorful buses roam Sumatras roads, Berastagi
Picturejourneys: Male Orang Utan, man of the forest
Picturejourneys: On top of Sibayak volcano
Picturejourneys: Headstone of a kings grave
Picturejourneys: Woman carrying a sack of rice
Picturejourneys: Impressive Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman, Banda Acehs Dutch built mosque
Picturejourneys: Colorful ferries roam Lake Toba
Picturejourneys: Batak Man in traditional dress
Picturejourneys: Rice paddies and waterfalls, Samosir
Picturejourneys: Remains of past glory, Medan
Picturejourneys: Girl chilling in a hot spring, Berastagi
Picturejourneys: Fruitful valleys and forested mountains, Sumatra
Picturejourneys: Street vendor selling sate
Picturejourneys: Clouds closing in
Picturejourneys: Roads in the jungle
Picturejourneys: Woodcutters taking a break along the roadside
Picturejourneys: Bubbling geysirs atop Sibayak
Picturejourneys: Sulphur steam
Picturejourneys: Batak style roof gable
Picturejourneys: Fishermen along the shores of Lake Toba
Picturejourneys: Bungalows overlooking the South Chinese Sea, Bintan
Picturejourneys: Relaxing at the Banyan Tree Resort, Bintan
Picturejourneys: Path through the jungle, Gunung Leuser National Park