pictureit17: Rory wants to "play" with the algae eater
pictureit17: cat photoshop pencil sketch
pictureit17: bad kitty
pictureit17: i solemnly swear......
pictureit17: the bad one
pictureit17: snack time?
pictureit17: what birds would see
pictureit17: watching for birds, reflection
pictureit17: bad clark
pictureit17: now if only i could open this window
pictureit17: come here birdy, birdy, birdy
pictureit17: that's right birdy you come here
pictureit17: i see a bird
pictureit17: lewis and clark
pictureit17: lewis and clark
pictureit17: lewis looking out the window for birds
pictureit17: say what?
pictureit17: clark in the window