fotoholic2006: Songzanlin Temple outside of Shangri La 001
fotoholic2006: A Stupa in Shangri La near Songzanlin Temple 001
fotoholic2006: A Stupa in Shangri La Ancient Town centre 001
fotoholic2006: Songzanlin Temple front door near Shangri La 001
fotoholic2006: Songzanlin Temple 002
fotoholic2006: Giant prayer wheel in Shangri La Old Town 001
fotoholic2006: Songzanlin Temple reflected on Lhamo Pond at sunset HDR
fotoholic2006: Myself at Heilongtan Park in Lijiang 001
fotoholic2006: Going up to Songzanlin Temple
fotoholic2006: Inside Songzanlin Temple grounds 002
fotoholic2006: Annie at Songzanlin Temple 001
fotoholic2006: Tibetan window design 02
fotoholic2006: Tibetan Architecture inside Songzanlin Temple 002
fotoholic2006: Tibetan prayer wheel
fotoholic2006: Tibetan Architecture inside Songzanlin Temple 003
fotoholic2006: Tibetan prayer flags 002
fotoholic2006: Beautiful designs of door arches at Shangri La 02
fotoholic2006: Beautiful designs of door arches at Shangri La 04
fotoholic2006: Annie outside of our guest house
fotoholic2006: Tibetan mural at Shangri La Ancient Town 01
fotoholic2006: Ancient Town in Shangri La 02
fotoholic2006: Tibetan Architecture inside the Ancient Town 01
fotoholic2006: Ancient Town in Shangri La 03
fotoholic2006: Gigantic Tibetan prayer wheel 001
fotoholic2006: Myself in front of the Stupa inside of Ancient Town 01
fotoholic2006: Museum at the Ancient Town
fotoholic2006: Guishan Park in Shangri La 001
fotoholic2006: Guishan Park door arch 001
fotoholic2006: Giant prayer wheel in Shangri La Old Town 002
fotoholic2006: Lijiang ancient village 004