Sam Scholes: prison ain't all bad
Sam Scholes: Master lock
Sam Scholes: old idaho state penitentiary
Sam Scholes: penitentiary green
Sam Scholes: cell #4
Sam Scholes: cell block
Sam Scholes: just use the bucket
Sam Scholes: that certain green
Sam Scholes: old idaho state penitentiary
Sam Scholes: big house
Sam Scholes: two bunks
Sam Scholes: old yellow and green prison cells
Sam Scholes: the light escapes
Sam Scholes: looking down the cell block at idaho state penitentiary
Sam Scholes: green cell block
Sam Scholes: please close the door
Sam Scholes: idaho state penitentiary
Sam Scholes: inside an old cell
Sam Scholes: cell #6
Sam Scholes: please wash your hands
Sam Scholes: greens and yellows
Sam Scholes: cell block at idaho state penitentiary
Sam Scholes: old idaho state penitentiary