Sam Scholes: short-eared owl
Sam Scholes: great horned owl
Sam Scholes: aurora the barn owl
Sam Scholes: northern saw-whet owl
Sam Scholes: barney
Sam Scholes: barney the great horned owl
Sam Scholes: barn owl
Sam Scholes: short-eared owl
Sam Scholes: great horned owl
Sam Scholes: miss hissan
Sam Scholes: OH yeah!? what are you lookin' at?
Sam Scholes: Pulsatrix perspicillata
Sam Scholes: spectacled owl
Sam Scholes: spectacled owl
Sam Scholes: keeper with barn owl
Sam Scholes: bubo virginianus
Sam Scholes: aegolius acadicus
Sam Scholes: short-eared owl
Sam Scholes: burrowing owl
Sam Scholes: barred owls
Sam Scholes: great gray owl
Sam Scholes: great gray owl
Sam Scholes: great gray owl
Sam Scholes: great gray owl
Sam Scholes: great gray owl
Sam Scholes: grumpy burrowing owl
Sam Scholes: great horned owl
Sam Scholes: oh no! who are you?
Sam Scholes: short-eared owl