Sam Scholes: kitchen
Sam Scholes: technosphere
Sam Scholes: dining room
Sam Scholes: outside biosphere2
Sam Scholes: biosphere2
Sam Scholes: outside biosphere2
Sam Scholes: under the biosphere2
Sam Scholes: walls of glass
Sam Scholes: kitchen area
Sam Scholes: biosphere2 maintenance tunnel
Sam Scholes: biosphere2
Sam Scholes: dining area
Sam Scholes: kitchen
Sam Scholes: curved exterior
Sam Scholes: biosphere2 greenhouse
Sam Scholes: rainforest
Sam Scholes: coastal fog desert
Sam Scholes: biosphere2 greenhouse
Sam Scholes: coastal fog desert
Sam Scholes: encircled
Sam Scholes: habitat corridor
Sam Scholes: maintenance tunnel
Sam Scholes: the inner workings