Sam Scholes: bald eagle
Sam Scholes: bald eagle
Sam Scholes: saffron finch
Sam Scholes: young bald eagle
Sam Scholes: long-earned owl
Sam Scholes: birds of a feather
Sam Scholes: caged vulture
Sam Scholes: OH yeah!? what are you lookin' at?
Sam Scholes: barn owl
Sam Scholes: short-eared owl
Sam Scholes: vulture
Sam Scholes: peacock
Sam Scholes: miss hissan
Sam Scholes: great horned owl
Sam Scholes: young bald eagle
Sam Scholes: bald eagle
Sam Scholes: bird mansion
Sam Scholes: sicalis flaveola
Sam Scholes: kestrel
Sam Scholes: kestrel
Sam Scholes: eagle squawking
Sam Scholes: golden eagle
Sam Scholes: america the beautiful
Sam Scholes: bald eagle
Sam Scholes: peacock
Sam Scholes: northern saw-whet owl
Sam Scholes: olga the steller's sea eagle
Sam Scholes: kookaburra