Sam Scholes: sunset
Sam Scholes: electrical outlet
Sam Scholes: fishing nets
Sam Scholes: curved
Sam Scholes: missing pieces
Sam Scholes: of copescaa
Sam Scholes: blue & green
Sam Scholes: blue purse
Sam Scholes: shopping cart
Sam Scholes: white space
Sam Scholes: orem cheerleader
Sam Scholes: blue/white
Sam Scholes: doorway
Sam Scholes: three windows twelve panes
Sam Scholes: for you blue
Sam Scholes: joellen with caballito de totora
Sam Scholes: untitled
Sam Scholes: 3 horses of the sea
Sam Scholes: balloons over yonder
Sam Scholes: elegant dancer
Sam Scholes: blue door
Sam Scholes: beautiful blue
Sam Scholes: palm tree
Sam Scholes: silhouetted branches
Sam Scholes: blue bug
Sam Scholes: custom cab
Sam Scholes: chrysler
Sam Scholes: gift shop
Sam Scholes: on the deep blue sea