Sam Scholes: view of independence hall
Sam Scholes: raspberrytart & i
Sam Scholes: the liberty bell
Sam Scholes: liberty bell center
Sam Scholes: independence hall
Sam Scholes: inside looking out
Sam Scholes: eastern state
Sam Scholes: penitentiary cells
Sam Scholes: steel frame beds
Sam Scholes: nightstand
Sam Scholes: nightstand
Sam Scholes: prisoner's cell
Sam Scholes: prison yard
Sam Scholes: private exercise yard
Sam Scholes: locked
Sam Scholes: white doors
Sam Scholes: juxtaposition
Sam Scholes: death row
Sam Scholes: solitary confinement
Sam Scholes: barber's chair
Sam Scholes: along the corridor
Sam Scholes: 13 new jersey vols. monument
Sam Scholes: 1st maryland regiment monument
Sam Scholes: 1st maryland regiment monument
Sam Scholes: 1st maryland regiment monument
Sam Scholes: 107 N.Y. infantry monument
Sam Scholes: near splanger's spring
Sam Scholes: scenic view of the restroom
Sam Scholes: 123rd. N.Y. infantry monument