]vincent[: White Kristinehamn
]vincent[: White Kristinehamn
]vincent[: White Kristinehamn
]vincent[: Bus trip
]vincent[: Xmas tree friend
]vincent[: Stars in the snow
]vincent[: Moose in the house
]vincent[: Carpet loom
]vincent[: Decilious scones
]vincent[: In the making
]vincent[: We're here
]vincent[: White Christmas market
]vincent[: Warming up a bit
]vincent[: My turn
]vincent[: This deer was delicious!
]vincent[: Salmon, the color
]vincent[: Candles work
]vincent[: Into the market
]vincent[: Santa is here!
]vincent[: Goodies from Santa
]vincent[: Ancient food on the making
]vincent[: The sight of food!
]vincent[: Yummy!
]vincent[: Weird food and hot coffee
]vincent[: Reflections of the city
]vincent[: Reflections of the city
]vincent[: Red on white
]vincent[: Colors!
]vincent[: Colors and us
]vincent[: Home sweet home