pickled_newt: Ponder upon His words
pickled_newt: Ending the day at the harbor
pickled_newt: Flying above Dalaman
pickled_newt: Hire car waiting at the airport
pickled_newt: Near landing
pickled_newt: Seconds before landing
pickled_newt: No taking photos
pickled_newt: Outside the main airport building
pickled_newt: View point overlooking Selimiye
pickled_newt: Getting away from the crowd
pickled_newt: A quick look
pickled_newt: Seek ye the Lord while He may be found
pickled_newt: Marmaris promenade
pickled_newt: Boarding (1)
pickled_newt: Boarding (2)
pickled_newt: Escape from the rainy days
pickled_newt: Boarding (3)
pickled_newt: Adjusting the airflow
pickled_newt: Just passing by (2)
pickled_newt: Just passing by (1)
pickled_newt: Minutes before take off
pickled_newt: On the way to the mud baths
pickled_newt: Taxi cabs on standby
pickled_newt: Be not conformed to this world
pickled_newt: Not everyone loves to wilt under the sun
pickled_newt: Sun-drenched
pickled_newt: A dog and his master
pickled_newt: Turkish Bread
pickled_newt: Hoping to catch fish for dinner
pickled_newt: Icecold water poured on Captain's back