pickled_newt: My Best Wishes
pickled_newt: The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. ~ Proverbs 15 :3
pickled_newt: Keep moving
pickled_newt: Power in the name of Jesus of Nazareth !
pickled_newt: "Unless the Lord had been my help ,my soul had almost dwelt in silence." Psalm 94 :17
pickled_newt: Cast your heavy burdens to the Lord
pickled_newt: The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork " ~Psalm 19 :1
pickled_newt: "By humility and fear of the Lord are riches ,and honour and life " ~ Proverbs 22: 4
pickled_newt: " And whatsoever ye do , do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men"~ Colossians 3:23
pickled_newt: Jesus Saves !
pickled_newt: Empty bed
pickled_newt: Santa Fe , Bantayan Island
pickled_newt: Not every day is the same day
pickled_newt: Bantayan Island
pickled_newt: Bantayan Island
pickled_newt: " There is no wisdom, understanding,or advice that can succeed against the Lord." ~ Proverbs 21 :30
pickled_newt: As seen from Bantayan Island ( Philippine holiday 2010 )
pickled_newt: Fishing on the rock pools
pickled_newt: Home is where the heart is
pickled_newt: Low tide
pickled_newt: Sea grass carpets the rocks during low tide
pickled_newt: Tanon Strait
pickled_newt: The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing - Steven Covey
pickled_newt: The day I left ....
pickled_newt: DSCN0216 Any catch ?
pickled_newt: DSCN0682 A view of nearby Sumilon Island from Santander , Cebu
pickled_newt: Children, obey your parents ....
pickled_newt: "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads...." ~ Luke 21:28
pickled_newt: coastal Sipalay
pickled_newt: DSCN5016