~Mary~~: City Council Meeting
~Mary~~: crabapples for breakfast
~Mary~~: My little red-headed friend
~Mary~~: Mr. Woodpecker
~Mary~~: female ------- she looks soft
~Mary~~: House Finch
~Mary~~: May I help you?
~Mary~~: Incoming!
~Mary~~: brrrr cold feet!
~Mary~~: Mr. Cardinal (Robert Redbird)
~Mary~~: Yum!! Crabapples!
~Mary~~: Chomp!
~Mary~~: geese rising over lake shawnee
~Mary~~: partynest 2
~Mary~~: OK They are officially Cedar Waxwings! I sure enjoy them!
~Mary~~: size comparison
~Mary~~: these are really dark I know,it was so cloudy. I'm hoping someone can identify the birds!
~Mary~~: Chickens
~Mary~~: Red Cardinal Blue Sky
~Mary~~: ~Dark Eyed Junco~ Harriet saves the day!
~Mary~~: Rockin Robin
~Mary~~: Havin a snack
~Mary~~: Mr. Cardinal is in charge!
~Mary~~: The Boss
~Mary~~: Sammy Jay
~Mary~~: Small Junco
~Mary~~: underneath
~Mary~~: A traditional harbinger of spring
~Mary~~: Airstrip on the water