piccolodu4e: A Ladybug and a daguerreotype of a genlemen
piccolodu4e: To get or not to get? 2009 033
piccolodu4e: Boston 2009 036
piccolodu4e: our jungles 2009 003
piccolodu4e: cut out
piccolodu4e: Observer - Thanksgiving November 2009 019
piccolodu4e: Stuffing - Thanksgiving 2009 025
piccolodu4e: Me walking in full winter attire December 2009 059
piccolodu4e: Another house in Newton December 2009 061
piccolodu4e: My favorite house in Newton December 2009 062
piccolodu4e: My favorite house in Newton December 2009 063
piccolodu4e: My favorite house in Newton December 2009 065
piccolodu4e: My favorite house in Newton December 2009 064
piccolodu4e: New Year Day brunch
piccolodu4e: New Year Day brunch
piccolodu4e: Ice sculptures on Boston Common
piccolodu4e: last shoot. Jose Orraca.
piccolodu4e: Sasha. JJ`s farewell dinner
piccolodu4e: JJ` farewell dinner party
piccolodu4e: JJ` farewell dinner party
piccolodu4e: New Year Party 2010
piccolodu4e: New Year Party 2010
piccolodu4e: New Year Party 2010
piccolodu4e: New Year party
piccolodu4e: New Year party
piccolodu4e: New Year party
piccolodu4e: Near Boston Common
piccolodu4e: The Moon
piccolodu4e: Favorite chair