mock-turtle: Washcloth set -- the lunchbox
mock-turtle: Washcloth Set, all packed up
mock-turtle: Washcloth Set, rolling up
mock-turtle: Washcloth Set, close up
mock-turtle: Washcloth Set
mock-turtle: Legwarmers in progress
mock-turtle: My finished legwarmers, from above!
mock-turtle: Meadow Medleys, Suzanne Banghart --Curly mohair combo yarn
mock-turtle: Brooks Farm Yarn Trio, green
mock-turtle: Meadow Medleys, Suzanne Banghart -- Osage orange-dyed wool and silk yarn (pale chartreuse)
mock-turtle: Frabjous Fibers, Handpicked Hues, Saffron, with sample swatch
mock-turtle: Sheep and wool festival loot!
mock-turtle: Himalaya Scarf in Progress
mock-turtle: Finished Itchless Himalaya Scarf
mock-turtle: Beginnings of recycled silk hat
mock-turtle: New blue washcloth