mock-turtle: Blizzard (Dec 6)
mock-turtle: After Clearing off Tim's Car
mock-turtle: Snow plows on the move
mock-turtle: There's the pipe in the lower left, still visible.
mock-turtle: The big pine before it fell apart
mock-turtle: One of the last times we saw a bus in the area
mock-turtle: You can see the tree getting weighted down by the snow: One
mock-turtle: Disassembled Tree
mock-turtle: The little pine tree is well smooshed down: Three
mock-turtle: Junco vistor
mock-turtle: Wee icicles forming on our back porch
mock-turtle: Backyard
mock-turtle: First venture outside
mock-turtle: The steps of the sidewalk were transformed into a ramp
mock-turtle: Pine tree couldn't take the snow.
mock-turtle: Our apartment walkway
mock-turtle: None Shall Pass...
mock-turtle: Cars entombed in Snoooow
mock-turtle: Shovel
mock-turtle: Shovel Shovel
mock-turtle: Shovel Shovel Shovel
mock-turtle: There's a bit of the hood!
mock-turtle: Tim's Car is Uncovered
mock-turtle: Clear Vs. Snowpile
mock-turtle: Face off
mock-turtle: Crowwwwww