Pic_Joy: 金光闪闪的滩涂 - 霞浦北岐
Pic_Joy: Fishermen ~ tidal flats at Beiqi
Pic_Joy: hues of dawn - Beiqi mud flats, Xiapu
Pic_Joy: the hues of sunrise - Beiqi beach
Pic_Joy: watching fellow fishermen fishing
Pic_Joy: Fishing at the tidal flats
Pic_Joy: hues of dawn - Beiqi
Pic_Joy: Stilts ~ tidal flats at Beiqi
Pic_Joy: 南湾的养蟹圈圈
Pic_Joy: colorful circles in the sea
Pic_Joy: 小舟摇呀摇 穿梭网阵中 ~ 霞浦南湾
Pic_Joy: Of stilts, nets and little fishing boat ~ Nanwan
Pic_Joy: Scene along Dongbi ~ tidal flats along the coasts of Fujian
Pic_Joy: Changing patterns of lines and dots as the tide rises - Nanwan
Pic_Joy: walking through molten gold
Pic_Joy: a land coated in silver
Pic_Joy: 在雕满沙纹的海滩追拍毛豆 ~ 霞浦 小皓
Pic_Joy: 湾中一小船 漂漂金浪中
Pic_Joy: 湾中一小船 漂漂金浪中
Pic_Joy: Fishing boats ~ dusk at Dongbi
Pic_Joy: Golden - dusk at Dongbi
Pic_Joy: waiting for the return of the fishing boats
Pic_Joy: The fishing boats will return this dawn
Pic_Joy: The long wait for the return of the fishing boats
Pic_Joy: The long wait for the return of the fishing boats
Pic_Joy: the fishing boats will be returning this dawn
Pic_Joy: The farmer & his trusted companion
Pic_Joy: The farmer & his trusted companion
Pic_Joy: The farmer and his trusted companion
Pic_Joy: The farmer and his trusted companion