Nuttenköfferchen: Roland Garros
Matteo Allochis, the Artist: Tutta mia la città [explored]
pixelia2: Cozy cat.
atone13: A burnt-orange Rose.
andrilucas: Tender Love
Thomas Hawk: American Legion, Post 13
jonathancastellino: encounters.
Thomas Hawk: Found Kodachrome Slide -- The Sirkka Sopanen Collection
Marine Beccarelli: Lyon, décembre 2022
Thomas Hawk: You Made Me Feel Like a Million Bucks
Frank van Dongen: It's a Long Way There
Thomas Hawk: How You've Grown So Cynical
flindersan: The dividing fence
Thomas Hawk: Stimulus
DoveVadar: Night watch
Role Bigler: 5F7A8511