Pianoman75: Sunset
Pianoman75: And this concludes today's entertainment! Thanks guys for the best birthday ever!
Pianoman75: The dawn of the 4-0
Pianoman75: Cigars... look better than they smell
Pianoman75: Evening light...
Pianoman75: Sushi & sake
Pianoman75: Dirty Dozen
Pianoman75: Seeing stars
Pianoman75: Petit Verdot grapes
Pianoman75: Polo!
Pianoman75: A beautiful day for wine and horsies!
Pianoman75: Kayaks
Pianoman75: Hangar 1
Pianoman75: Acupuncture!
Pianoman75: Caution: Space Shuttles in the rear mirror might be smaller than they appear...
Pianoman75: Someone getting the signature shot
Pianoman75: A golden gate...
Pianoman75: Red carpet birds-eye
Pianoman75: Kennedy Geometry
Pianoman75: Upside down
Pianoman75: Babbling brook
Pianoman75: Lighthouse
Pianoman75: Rough day...
Pianoman75: Lighthouse
Pianoman75: Sleepy dinghies
Pianoman75: Low tide...
Pianoman75: Once in a blue moon...
Pianoman75: Dusk at the beach...
Pianoman75: When in Maine...
Pianoman75: Rocky times...