phyxiusone: Aaron, Me, Waterfall, Fighting Squirrels
phyxiusone: Stopping along Big Sur
phyxiusone: Stopping in Big Sur
phyxiusone: Looking over the ocean at Big Sur
phyxiusone: Elephant seals near San Simeon
phyxiusone: Molting seal
phyxiusone: Seals and Seagulls
phyxiusone: Third rider
phyxiusone: Pausing along the way
phyxiusone: Parking at Mono Lake
phyxiusone: Flowers and tufa
phyxiusone: Posing next to tufa
phyxiusone: Mono Lake Panorama
phyxiusone: Sunset over Mono Lake
phyxiusone: Hunting
phyxiusone: Tufa at Mono Lake
phyxiusone: Path down to the water's edge
phyxiusone: Tioga Gas Mart and excellent restaurant
phyxiusone: Tioga Gas Mart and excellent restaurant
phyxiusone: Whoa Nellie Deli
phyxiusone: DSC02162
phyxiusone: Peek-a-boo!
phyxiusone: DSC02173
phyxiusone: Tent cabins
phyxiusone: DSC02175
phyxiusone: Those squirrels were relentless!
phyxiusone: Don't worry - there's a guard rail between me and the edge
phyxiusone: Vernal falls behind us
phyxiusone: Stairs up to Vernal Falls
phyxiusone: Heading up to the top