physob: Mom and Dad
physob: Distant Half Dome
physob: The Cap
physob: The Cap Again
physob: Water
physob: Yosemite Falls
physob: Climbers
physob: Scary
physob: Hidden Pool
physob: Yosemite Falls
physob: Lovely
physob: Falls
physob: Falls
physob: Deer!
physob: Bridge
physob: Who wants to climb this?
physob: Tiny Dots = Climbers
physob: Good luck, buddy
physob: View
physob: The Valley
physob: Valley
physob: 'Rents
physob: El Cap
physob: Granite
physob: Guide!
physob: Half Dome
physob: Lots of granite
physob: Trees
physob: Water
physob: Water and stones