PhyllisK: Getting ready to Argue
PhyllisK: Get way From MY feeder!
PhyllisK: Enjoying the bath
PhyllisK: Wing Spread Pose
PhyllisK: Get Outa Here!
PhyllisK: Anna's Humming Bird
PhyllisK: Humming Bird coming in closer
PhyllisK: Humming Bird 3
PhyllisK: Tussling at Feeder
PhyllisK: Grosbeak Coming in for Landing
PhyllisK: Dramatic Wings
PhyllisK: Lovely Wings
PhyllisK: Goldfinches Tussle at Feeder
PhyllisK: "Now I say get outa here!"
PhyllisK: "I said Get outa here, and I mean it!"
PhyllisK: Surreal
PhyllisK: Red Tail Hawk