PhyllisK: Dunnigan Hills Vista
PhyllisK: Boss Lifting the Sheep
PhyllisK: Boss Fetching the Sheep
PhyllisK: Boss Driving to First Panels
PhyllisK: Boss Pressuring Sheep
PhyllisK: Boss get sheep through panels
PhyllisK: Begin Cross Drive
PhyllisK: Sandy Gets Pen
PhyllisK: Nicky Begins Drive Away
PhyllisK: Nicky's dog Completes third set of panels
PhyllisK: Nicky gets pen
PhyllisK: Claire's Dog takes sheep around the post
PhyllisK: Claire gets pen
PhyllisK: Jane at a delicate moment
PhyllisK: Barbara Blocking
PhyllisK: Yvette Starting Drive
PhyllisK: Tom Heading to Post
PhyllisK: A Nice Turn at the Post
PhyllisK: Cat Nap
PhyllisK: Leslie's dog making a nice fetch
PhyllisK: No problem with the cross drive
PhyllisK: Leslie Working the Pen
PhyllisK: Leslie Gets Pen at Kurajong Trial
PhyllisK: Shelly Shedding