PhylG: Landscape 1935-1936
PhylG: Scorned as Timber, Beloved of the Sky 1935
PhylG: Tribe Klawatsis, Karlukwees Village
PhylG: A New Freedom
PhylG: Looking more familiar
PhylG: War Canoes, Alert Bay
PhylG: Trees in the Sky (1939)
PhylG: Yan, Q.C.I. (Queen Charlotte Islands)
PhylG: My favourite Emily Carr painting
PhylG: Skedans (1912) Emily Carr totem poles in her earlier style (around 1910-1913)
PhylG: Upward Trend (1937) - Influenced by the Group of Seven
PhylG: Kispiax Village (1929) - Emily Carr's later totem poles
PhylG: Cumshewa (not sure of the date)