phunter 好人:
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Geese in L shape _MG_7326
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Dark and light cloud IMG_1429_f
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In the morning, before sunrise _MG_4470
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"Steal the thunder" IMG_2155
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Dual Domes panorama valley_view_large.jpg
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Path IMG_4097_web.jpg
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Stream and root IMG_4089_web.jpg
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Stream and branches IMG_4078_web.jpg
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Stream, stones and wood IMG_4072_web.jpg
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Stream stone and wood IMG_4589_web
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Les arbres jaune et bleu IMG_0850-output.jpg
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Château de Chillon du Lac Léman IMG_1074-output.jpg
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Trees on Lake Geneva, and the castle IMG_1008-output.jpg
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Bench at lake side watching Alps in cloud IMG_1329-output.jpg
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Castle of Chillon at Lake Geneva, panoramic IMG_1295-output.jpg
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Green moss stones in blue stream IMG_1410.jpg
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Castle of Chillon and lake side stones IMG_1467.jpg
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Castle of Chillon Scan-090201-0017-output
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Dock Scan-090220-0011