phrixus nyx: No trains here
phrixus nyx: For once it's the right kind of snow on the lines!
phrixus nyx: For once it's the right kind of snow on the lines!
phrixus nyx: Sparky
phrixus nyx: Speedy
phrixus nyx: The wonders of sodium glow
phrixus nyx: Speckled Bush Cricket
phrixus nyx: Speckled Bush Cricket
phrixus nyx: Speckled Bush Cricket
phrixus nyx: Stowaway Cricket
phrixus nyx: Speckled Bush Cricket
phrixus nyx: Harlequin Ladybird Larva
phrixus nyx: Harlequin Ladybird Larva
phrixus nyx: Harlequin Ladybird Larva
phrixus nyx: Mistle Thrush
phrixus nyx: Mistle Thrush
phrixus nyx: Mistle Thrush
phrixus nyx: Mistle Thrush
phrixus nyx: Mistle Thrush
phrixus nyx: Mistle Thrush
phrixus nyx: Mistle Thrush
phrixus nyx: Tree at the bottom of the garden
phrixus nyx: Back of the House
phrixus nyx: Knock knock!
phrixus nyx: Nothing of interest
phrixus nyx: Perhaps I'll go to sleep instead!
phrixus nyx: Robin having a look round
phrixus nyx: Greater Spotted Woodpecker