Jonathan Wiles: Rialto by night
Jonathan Wiles: Arc of Saint Mark's
Jonathan Wiles: Pigeon Lady
Jonathan Wiles: San Marco clock tower
Jonathan Wiles: Morning stroll
Jonathan Wiles: Morning stroll, continued.
Jonathan Wiles: The lion and the bell tower
Jonathan Wiles: Doge's Colonnade
Jonathan Wiles: Morning calm at San Marco
Jonathan Wiles: Vernazza cross-section
Jonathan Wiles: Artists en masse
Jonathan Wiles: Local color
Jonathan Wiles: breakers
Jonathan Wiles: breakers, take 2
Jonathan Wiles: Manarola panorama
Jonathan Wiles: En route to Rome
Jonathan Wiles: Old and new
Jonathan Wiles: Roman street scene
Jonathan Wiles: Coliseum
Jonathan Wiles: Rome skyline
Jonathan Wiles: Trajan's Column
Jonathan Wiles: Hiding in plain sight
Jonathan Wiles: the temple looms
Jonathan Wiles: St. Peter's collonade
Jonathan Wiles: God's bodyguards
Jonathan Wiles: light spray
Jonathan Wiles: obelisk & fountain