photoverulam: Our little polar bear
photoverulam: Riding high
photoverulam: Visiting the meerkats
photoverulam: Visiting the meerkats
photoverulam: Visiting the meerkats
photoverulam: Visiting the meerkats
photoverulam: Melati
photoverulam: Tiger cubs
photoverulam: Nicky
photoverulam: Riding the pygmy hippo
photoverulam: Mmmm hot tub action
photoverulam: In with the lemurs
photoverulam: In with the lemurs
photoverulam: Otters
photoverulam: Humbolt penguin
photoverulam: Visiting the penguins
photoverulam: Gillin boys
photoverulam: Gillin boys
photoverulam: Gillin boys
photoverulam: Gillin boys