photoverulam: DSC_2969
photoverulam: DSC_2970
photoverulam: 100th birthday cake
photoverulam: Waiting for the cake
photoverulam: John reads his speech
photoverulam: 100th birthday girl!
photoverulam: Listening to the speeches
photoverulam: Chris
photoverulam: The (100th) Birthday Girl
photoverulam: Chris reads her poem
photoverulam: Vi and Mum
photoverulam: Cutting the cake
photoverulam: Blowing out the cake
photoverulam: Vi and family
photoverulam: Caroline, Vi and Mum
photoverulam: Chris, Caroline and Vi
photoverulam: Scooting at Felpham
photoverulam: First beach of spring!
photoverulam: Awww