photoverulam: Hoo noo broon coo
photoverulam: Cupcakes
photoverulam: Me and my new friend
photoverulam: Nicola, Sarah and friend
photoverulam: Rupert on the A-frame
photoverulam: Leap!
photoverulam: Rupert flies through the air!
photoverulam: Mad about mutts
photoverulam: Rupert walks the walk
photoverulam: Poodling about
photoverulam: Heading for the home straight
photoverulam: Rupert weaving
photoverulam: Rupert!
photoverulam: Nutty german shepherd
photoverulam: Ferreting about
photoverulam: Ferreting about
photoverulam: Ferreting about
photoverulam: Smoothie central
photoverulam: Band of the Baldock Midnight Morris
photoverulam: He who rules the rooster rules the roost...
photoverulam: Careful, lads!
photoverulam: Taking the plunge
photoverulam: Herd instinct
photoverulam: Run for it or we'll be dinner!