photoverulam: Scooby Snack
photoverulam: Summer's promise
photoverulam: Big Beer
photoverulam: Irony
photoverulam: Birthday cake
photoverulam: Greggs 6.5/10
photoverulam: Greggs 6.5/10
photoverulam: Gingerbread Santa
photoverulam: Christmas comes but once a year - but it seems earlier this year than ever!
photoverulam: Un autre dinner sur l'Eurostar
photoverulam: Dinner sur l'Eurostar
photoverulam: jaffa
photoverulam: A world-famous Sally Lunn bun
photoverulam: Double, double toil and er trouble?
photoverulam: Chocolates!
photoverulam: Fruits of our labours
photoverulam: The finished article
photoverulam: Jam packed with jam
photoverulam: Cupcakes
photoverulam: Tomatoes on the turn
photoverulam: Tomatoes - ripening at last
photoverulam: Mmmm cake
photoverulam: Christmas Cake
photoverulam: Three little birds, sat upon a log
photoverulam: Logging on
photoverulam: We can haz mince piez
photoverulam: Marizpanned up and ready to go
photoverulam: Chocolate Museum, Bruges
photoverulam: Chocolate Museum, Bruges