anon..: byres road
anon..: gardener street off dumbarton road
anon..: kensington gate
anon..: the gardens of kensington gate
anon..: athole gardens
anon..: stragaivin
anon..: forsythia in bloom on ruthven lane
anon..: stragaivin
anon..: heading to the chip
anon..: the chip upstairs menu
anon..: ipodding at the chip
anon..: the old gang!
anon..: pre-game at natalie's flat
anon..: i dont know. dont ask.
anon..: i was pretty into wearing jamie's glasses.
anon..: love
anon..: singing james taylor WITH FEELING
anon..: the ubiquitous chip in ashton lane
anon..: the uni cafe chip shop
anon..: chips with curry sauce
anon..: sitting on the pavement eating chips
anon..: dennis had an oregon jacket
anon..: if he can manage to keep his clothes on...
anon..: much amusement was provided by dennis' glowsticks
anon..: the view from natalie's flat
anon..: typical scottish bathroom
anon..: view over the back garden.
anon..: the lismore
anon..: fancy fancy
anon..: partick cross mansions