Photospool: Xanthogramma pedissequum (record shot)
Photospool: Anthocoris nemorum (common flower bug) and nymph
Photospool: Capsus ater
Photospool: Closterotomus trivialis
Photospool: Closterotomus norwegicus Potato Capsid
Photospool: Closterotomus trivialis, female
Photospool: Closterotomus trivialis, male
Photospool: Tingis cardui - Spear Thistle Lacebug
Photospool: The Vapourer - Orgyia antiqua caterpillar
Photospool: Mother Shipton - Callistege mi
Photospool: Tiny weevils
Photospool: Weevil on thistle
Photospool: Weevil on thistle
Photospool: Ant damsel bug - Himacerus mirmicoides