Photospool: Large red damselfly - Pyrrhosoma nymphula
Photospool: Large red damselfly - Pyrrhosoma nymphula
Photospool: Black-Tailed Skimmer - Orthetrum cancellatum, female
Photospool: Large red dragonfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula
Photospool: Blue-tailed damselflyIschnura elegans
Photospool: Blue-tailed damselfly - Immature form - rufescens
Photospool: Black tailed skimmer - Orthetrum cancellatum male
Photospool: Black-Tailed Skimmer Orthetrum cancellatum female
Photospool: Damselfly with lunch-90 secs later
Photospool: Damselfly with spider? lunch
Photospool: Broad bodies chaser - Libellula depressa
Photospool: Emperor dragonfly - Anax imperator laying eggs
Photospool: Emperor dragonfly - Anax imperator laying eggs