Photospool: 7-spot Ladybird - Coccinella 7-punctata
Photospool: 10-spot ladybird - Adalia 10-punctata
Photospool: Pine ladybird - Exochomus 4-pustulatus
Photospool: Malachius bipustulatus
Photospool: Malachius bipustulatus on top of a grass head
Photospool: Flower beetle and buttercup
Photospool: Weevils in clover - Protapion sp.
Photospool: Timarcha tenebricosa - Bloody Nosed Beetle
Photospool: Malachius bipustulatus
Photospool: Athous haemorrhoidalis - click beetle
Photospool: Reed Beetle - Donacia sp.
Photospool: Cantharis rustica
Photospool: Malachius bipustulatus disappointed
Photospool: Malachius bipustulatus adventurer
Photospool: Malachius bipustulatus
Photospool: Green weevil - Phyllobius sp. (cf. P. argentatus)
Photospool: Exapion ulicis - Gorse Seed Weevil
Photospool: Oedemera nobilis
Photospool: Cantharis rustica
Photospool: Oedemera nobilis and grass seeds
Photospool: Four-banded Longhorn Beetle - Leptura quadrifasciata
Photospool: Dasytes plumbeus (female)
Photospool: Green tortoise beetle - Cassida sp.
Photospool: Four-banded Longhorn Beetle - Leptura quadrifasciata
Photospool: Reed beetle - Donacia sp
Photospool: Beetle
Photospool: Rhagonycha fulve - blood sucker
Photospool: Agrilus sp. (laticornis ?)
Photospool: Agrilus laticornis
Photospool: Strangalia maculata - Longhorn beetle