PhotoSnippet: Construction on the river
PhotoSnippet: Construction on the river
PhotoSnippet: looking around the corner
PhotoSnippet: Coming and going
PhotoSnippet: Entertaining the commuters
PhotoSnippet: Keeping everyone dry
PhotoSnippet: Keeping everyone dry
PhotoSnippet: Entertaining the commuters
PhotoSnippet: Busking the intersections
PhotoSnippet: The side entrance
PhotoSnippet: Find shells by the pier
PhotoSnippet: I found this juvenile blue-faced honeyeater, the parents were around but didn't look like they were feeding the youngster. It seemed like it was waiting to be fed but the parents weren't so keen to oblige.
PhotoSnippet: Wrapping up your food
PhotoSnippet: Wrapping up your food
PhotoSnippet: Wrapping up your food
PhotoSnippet: Wrapping up your food
PhotoSnippet: Wrapping up your food
PhotoSnippet: Wrapping up your food
PhotoSnippet: Wrapping up your food
PhotoSnippet: Wrapping up your food
PhotoSnippet: Wrapping up your food
PhotoSnippet: Wrapping up your food
PhotoSnippet: Catching your food
PhotoSnippet: Common crow butterfly
PhotoSnippet: White-faced heron looking for fish in the creek
PhotoSnippet: White-faced heron looking for fish in the creek
PhotoSnippet: Spangled drongo with what's left of a grasshopper in its grip
PhotoSnippet: Spangled drongo with what's left of a grasshopper in its grip
PhotoSnippet: Talks with grandparents
PhotoSnippet: Fun in the park