Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Curlew Sandpiper + Bar-tailed Godwit
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Bar-tailed Godwit + Curlew Sandpiper
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Curlew Sandpipers and Broad Billed Sandpiper
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Curlew Sandpipers and Broad Billed Sandpiper
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Glossy Ibis, Ferruginous Duck, Mallard, Common Teal, Coot.
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Greater Sand Plover and Dunlin Photobomb
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
White-headed Duck (Oxyura leucocephala (Scopoli, 1769)) IUCN - EN
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Sandwich Tern
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Red-Breasted Goose Red-Breasted Goose (Branta ruficollis (Pallas, 1769)) IUCN - VU
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Pale Honey Buzzard
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Hobby VS Long Legged Buzzard
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Pied Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta (Linnaeus, 1758))
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Black-Tailed Godwit
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Gull-Billed Tern inc Curlew Sandpiper
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Gull-Billed Tern
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Marsh Sandpiper, Ruff and Greenshank
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Greenshank and Marsh Sandpiper
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Slender-Billed Gull
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Slender-Billed Gull
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Black Tailed Godwit
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Black Tailed Godwit
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Serin and Goldfinch
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Golden Plover & Dunlin
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Black Kite
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Red Crossbill and Hawfinch
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Red Crossbill and Hawfinch
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Chaffinch and Hawfinch
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Bonelli's Eagle
Cyprus Bird Watching Tours:
Bonelli's Eagle (JUV)