Photos from the Vault: S.P.-Lark-train-derailment
Photos from the Vault: Obispo theater
Photos from the Vault: Richard Milhous Nixon
Photos from the Vault: 1966 Reagan handshake
Photos from the Vault: Paso Robles Jail
Photos from the Vault: 1960's Morro Bay boatbuilder
Photos from the Vault: Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
Photos from the Vault: 1964 abalone
Photos from the Vault: 1968 Hearst Castle graduation
Photos from the Vault: 1965 The last mail train
Photos from the Vault: 1968 La Fiesta
Photos from the Vault: 1965 Morro Bay dune seeding
Photos from the Vault: 1968 Underwater Easter egg hunt
Photos from the Vault: 1968 Martin Luther King memorial march
Photos from the Vault: 1965 Beach fashion
Photos from the Vault: 1965 fashion
Photos from the Vault: 1968 Vietnam napalm protest
Photos from the Vault: 1966 Lynann whaler
Photos from the Vault: 1966 Vietnam War Draft
Photos from the Vault: 1959 S&H gas station
Photos from the Vault: 1968 Diablo Canyon bones
Photos from the Vault: 1963 Christmas Paso Robles
Photos from the Vault: 1963 Cal Poly
Photos from the Vault: 1964 Avila Beach
Photos from the Vault: 1965 Beatles fans
Photos from the Vault: Angels v Red Sox baseball 1963