shanolee99: Foggy Morning
shanolee99: Foggy Morning at the School
shanolee99: Tetons_0088
shanolee99: Tetons_0061bw
shanolee99: Tetons_0049
shanolee99: Tetons_0043bw
shanolee99: Tetons_0016
shanolee99: Christmas_0023
shanolee99: Frost Leaflets
shanolee99: Frost Petals II
shanolee99: Phillips Family Black & White 2009
shanolee99: My Phillips Boys 2009
shanolee99: Where Does the little door go?
shanolee99: Jake and Sonoma Mission
shanolee99: San Francisco in Black & White
shanolee99: Our Group of Boys at Pier 39
shanolee99: Alcatraz Dining Hall
shanolee99: "Indians Welcome"
shanolee99: Alcatraz_0016
shanolee99: Teacher
shanolee99: Student
shanolee99: Music Teacher
shanolee99: P.E. Teacher
shanolee99: No Dumping In My Shed
shanolee99: A Horse And His Shadow
shanolee99: Barn At Smiley Horse Pasture
shanolee99: Petting the Horses
shanolee99: Watch the Nibbling!
shanolee99: What Are You Pointing At?
shanolee99: Roni in Black & White