shanolee99: Rainforest Exhibit III
shanolee99: Living Roof III
shanolee99: Living Roof II
shanolee99: Living Roof I
shanolee99: The Rainforest Exhibit II
shanolee99: The Rainforest Exhibit I
shanolee99: Looking Down Into the Amazon Tunnel
shanolee99: In the Rainforest at the California Academy of Science
shanolee99: Butterfly and Manmade Object
shanolee99: A Butterfly Lands on Her Camera
shanolee99: Me and Mr. Lizard
shanolee99: An Orb Spider is Eating
shanolee99: Pretty Velvet Flower
shanolee99: Little Butterfly on Orange Flower
shanolee99: A Walk Through the Amazon Tunnel
shanolee99: Giant Catfish in the Amazon Tunnel
shanolee99: "Amazon" Tunnel
shanolee99: Giant Sea Bass
shanolee99: Meet the Albino Crocodile
shanolee99: Ken Meets T-Rex
shanolee99: A View of Ocean Beach
shanolee99: Camera Obscura in San Francisco
shanolee99: Colorful Clouds by Highway 37
shanolee99: Sunset on 37
shanolee99: Sunset on 37
shanolee99: Sunset and Reflection on 37
shanolee99: Seagull in Black and White