shanolee99: Jake & The Blue Frog
shanolee99: Silly Jake
shanolee99: Red Hat Jake
shanolee99: Carving the Turkey
shanolee99: Yummy
shanolee99: I want some turkey
shanolee99: Ready For Dinner
shanolee99: Alex & Bella
shanolee99: Jake & Scooter
shanolee99: Trying To Get A Bite
shanolee99: Alex & Jake
shanolee99: Close Those Legs
shanolee99: Alex & Bella
shanolee99: Unfinished Bridge
shanolee99: Our luxurious Bed at the Peppermill
shanolee99: The TV In Our Room
shanolee99: Tub in Peppermill Room, Reno
shanolee99: Me & Ken in Reno
shanolee99: Me & Ken in Reno
shanolee99: Me in Reno
shanolee99: Peppermill Balcony
shanolee99: Fountain At Peppermill
shanolee99: Ken In Reno
shanolee99: Jake Playing MarioKart