rita d.: a tree.
rita d.: sculptures and things.
rita d.: the vexed man.
rita d.: your sorrowful eyes were all i could focus on.
rita d.: hello there, little friend.
rita d.: right before he disappeared.
rita d.: labyrinth.
rita d.: trees and colors.
rita d.: ma mère.
rita d.: the getty center.
rita d.: diego, marianela, mauricio.
rita d.: sunset from the getty.
rita d.: dusk.
rita d.: a seemingly abandoned place, though not quite so.
rita d.: lebanese wall.
rita d.: the moon was out early, the sun was setting late.
rita d.: a roller coaster! not really.
rita d.: jennifer doesn't smile.
rita d.: jennifer does smile.
rita d.: the dancer walking.
rita d.: dance, dance, dance away.
rita d.: heritage.
rita d.: finding mexico in los angeles.
rita d.: méxico lindo y querido... casi.
rita d.: velarde's fruit.
rita d.: en la calle olvera, usted puede comprar vestidos...
rita d.: ...y zapatos!
rita d.: dresses up high and a very blue sky.
rita d.: bienvenidos, bienvenidos, bienvenidos.