Photos by Lamont: The Claw and the Blue feather.
Photos by Lamont: Daddy's Bowl
Photos by Lamont: Hunter reflection-
Photos by Lamont: Hunter looking out from cat house
Photos by Lamont: Hunter laying on floor arms crossed-9571
Photos by Lamont: Hunter meow-9962
Photos by Lamont: Hunters face-8679
Photos by Lamont: Hunter laying in the green grass-9988
Photos by Lamont: Kitten Baby Hunter deck side pose
Photos by Lamont: Hunter in B&W -
Photos by Lamont: Himalayan Cat sucking her hair
Photos by Lamont: Himalayan Hunter kitten
Photos by Lamont: Himalayan kitten tongue
Photos by Lamont: himalayan cat watching sunset
Photos by Lamont: hunter looking out by the kitchen window
Photos by Lamont: Himalayan just after her bath.
Photos by Lamont: Kitty Locked up